Larry page,one among the founders of GOOGLE has announced that ALPHABET is the parent company of google.The Google is a huge company and it is probably the best in the world.The company has been performing great and its moves like acquiring youtube,...has been a huge success.

Today the company CEO has taken another big step by starting ALPHABET,all the other companies comes under the alphabet (even GOOGLE).Google is going to be the one among the companies acquired by alphabet.Larry said that he will be the CEO of alphabet and announced that Sundar pichai will be the CEO of GOOGLE.

Google has very huge number of projects like Project X(self driving cars),Project LOON,NEST,Google ventures,Google fiber etc.It is hard to maintain all the projects so Google  decided to start the alphabet and all the other companies are a part of it.This seems closer to the strategy of warren buffet's Berkshire Hathway.With  this the company can attract more startups and can expand their bandwidth.

The website of the new company ALPHABET is


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