Windows 10 is launched by Microsoft on 29th July 2015.This is available in 190 countries across the globe and for the genuine users of windows 7/8/8.1 the windows 10 will be upgraded for free if they have registered for the update.Microsoft said that this will be the last version of windows and also mentioned that they consider this as a service rather than a product by giving free updates and optimizing the operating system continuously.They also quoted that this is the most secured operating system they have ever launched.

The windows 10 is made by combining both windows 7 features and windows 8.1 style and they've modified the design and made it more pleasant.

While for the new users windows 10 will be available soon via both online and retail stores while coming to the pricing the windows 10 home is available at $119 USD and the windows 10 pro for $199 USD.

There are many great features of windows 10 out of which here are some of the best


This is a legacy feature of windows which is super popular and windows 8 and 8.1 lacked it most of the windows users has complained with the issue and microsoft has again included the great start menu feature in the most awaiting windows 10 which looks great


This feature is similar to the apples continuity feature which is useful for easily switching between 
different devices like tablets etc. this is a good feature which is not there in the previous versions


Action center is a good feature which looks like a toogle bar in the phones .The action center keeps track of all the apps that we have frequently used like wifi etc and displays them which is useful to easily do certain tasks.


Microsoft has launched a feature called notification sync which is used across the devices.If we have seen the notification in phone or tablet then that notification will also sync with the windows and will not pop up again which is pretty good!

Cortana:virtual assistant 

The cortana has been proved awesome in the windows based phones and now Microsoft have included cortana in the windows 10 based all devices including computers. Cortana is included in the start menu and have been performing well in the latest windows.It gathers the information like weather,latest news etc and display in the form of cards which looks good.It is optimized in such a way that it answers every questions even trickey ones.It is fast,friendly and funny.

Universal windows applications:

Microsoft have a good interface but in the app market it lags behind the ios and android,To overcome this drawback Microsoft have developed a medium in which we can develop apps that are compatible with any device running on windows.This makes the app store filled with as many apps as possible so that they can be utilized in both phone and computer departments.

Edge browser:

The windows 10 has replaced the Internet explorer with the latest edge browser.The edge browser has many more features when compared with the previous versions.Many people said that the edge is as speed as the Google chrome and also consumes less resources.The edge features many new and innovative,but the most disappointing part is the Edge browser doesn't have any extensions so as to increase security.


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