We think many of us have a good Internet access but it is not correct 2/3rd of the world is not connected to the Internet they even don't know how it works and there are not even Internet service providers in many rural areas across the globe.But in future this is not gonna be a problem,Google has come up with an mind blowing concept the project LOON.

Here is all about the project loon

The project loon's main idea is to connect the people as maximum as possible so how can they?,we cant do that by using the conventional ways like providing fiber optic cables or wifi etc ...but google has introduced the concept of having Internet with the balloon which floats over the sky and connects people all around the world.

The project loon Internet balloons floats in the stratosphere region which is twice the altitude of the plane flying region.The stratosphere region has different layers of wind which varies in speed the loon balloons are placed at every layer and with the wind currents they move around the globe likewise every other balloon does the same resulting in the large network.

The project loon has partnered with the Tele -communication companies to have the LTE technology and the loon balloons have solar panels so that they can provide the source of power to the electronics inside the balloon. The range of each balloon is 40km on the earth.

The project loon began the pilot testing in 2013 from New zealand 's islands and have been under testing by the tester pilots it is being tested at the latitudes of the southern hemisphere.Hope this be in practice as soon as possible,really amazing innovative idea from GOOGLE


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